You have already met Balenciaga’s Rodeo Bag, which was released in early February as a reinterpretation of the everyday tote. Since its runway debut and availability in stores, the Spanish luxury house showcases the Rodeo Bag in all its cool and cult-status glory, featuring brand ambassador and actress Nicole Kidman, American model Amelia Gray, and Chinese actress and singer Yang Chaoyue.
Photographed by Mario Sorrenti, the campaign features Kidman wearing the Medium Rodeo Bag studded with keys, Balenciaga ceramic tags, and a miniature dolphin keychain. Similarly, Chaoyue carries her black calfskin Rodeo Bag adorned with tags, keys, and charms, injecting whimsy and individuality into the classic tote. Gray, on the other hand, holds her large Rodeo Bag, exuding classic elegance sans any charms.